
Many people have it on their bucket list to produce television or movies and see their names in the credits. GoughDrop only accepts accredited investors who understand the risks and the returns inherent to media investing. While crowdsourcing campaigns have been successful for certain projects, we always prefer to have investors and private equity that understand professional investing.

All GoughDrop projects seeking funding have pro forma projections and term sheets that can be accessed upon request.

Media Investing 101

Investing in multimedia ventures can be a risky but potentially rewarding endeavor. Here are some things to consider when evaluating the potential of a multimedia venture:

  1. Market demand: Is there a demand for the type of content being produced? Is the target audience large enough to support the venture?
  2. Competitive landscape: Who are the competitors in the space and what sets the venture apart from them?
  3. Revenue model: How will the venture generate revenue? Will it rely on advertising, subscriptions, or some other method?
  4. Management team: Is the management team experienced and capable of executing on the venture’s plan?
  5. Financial projections: Are the financial projections for the venture realistic and achievable?
  6. Intellectual property: Does the venture have the necessary rights and permissions to use any intellectual property (such as music or footage) in its content?
  7. Legal and regulatory considerations: Are there any legal or regulatory considerations that could impact the venture’s ability to operate or generate revenue?

Ultimately, the success of a multimedia venture will depend on a variety of factors, including the quality and uniqueness of the content being produced, the effectiveness of the revenue model, and the skill and experience of the management team. As with any investment, it is important to carefully evaluate the risks and potential rewards before making a decision.